Discounted Theatre Bizarre 2018 Tickets Still Available!

My dear, our discounted $95 tickets won’t be available much longer. Act fast before the sale comes crashing down and tickets go to full price at $105 on September 9th!

Looking to secure your tickets to Theatre Bizarre in person? You're in luck! Tickets are now available at our partner locations at Noir Leather, 3 Ring Traveling Apothecary, and Leon & Lulu! The choice is yours, and yours alone. Don't say we didn't warn you once ticket prices rise in September.

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Tickets to Theatre Bizarre 2018 On Sale Now!

Happy Friday the 13th, disciples of Zombo!

Come one, come all! Standard Theatre Bizarre tickets are at a special release price of $85 until the first 500 sell out, so don't delay!

Join us October 12th & 19th for our Masquerade Gala, and 13th & 20th for our Theatre Bizarre Choose-Your-Own-Adventure. Mark your calendars, and prepare your vestments, my delicious initiates.

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Congratulations Brittany “Acrobritt” Walsh On Guinness World Record

Sweet creatures, join us in celebrating our darling servant “Acrobritt” in successfully doubling a Guinness World Record!

Give her a round of applause, ladies and gentlemen! You’ll see her with your own two eyes this year at Theatre Bizarre. Hail Zombo!

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Happy Pride Month & Happy Birthday to Violet Chachki

My darling initiates, it is with our most sincere adoration that we join you in celebrating Pride Month. Each year, we simply would not be able to provide the level of performance that we strive for if not for the amazing and inspiring talent abound in the LGBTQI artists that offer themselves to Theatre Bizarre. As such, we would like to share with you one of our favorite performers, Violet Chachki, who also happens to be celebrating a birthday today, as an embodiment of transcendence.

Zombo loves all creatures, regardless of identity, and the doors of Theatre Bizarre shall forever be open to all. Happy pride, my sweet minions!

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A Vision of Retrospection Upon The Fortuitous Unfortunates

Oh, my sweet creatures. It feels like an eternity since last you saw behind the veil of Templum Balatro. You feel the longing, don't you? The aching inside of you to return to the parlour where you joined the Fortuitous Unfortunates.  Oh, how I know you do. The games may be over, but the providence foretold by them is forever. Listen to those whispers haunting the air, and think back to those fleeting moments when you gained access and took your first step into this grand world.

You entered our lounge with such reckless abandon. Your search for answers led you right to us, but you were so entranced by the opportunity to find those who decided fate itself, to test your luck. You drank, you played, you danced; for the first time, your eyes were truly open.

It is, after all, us who hold all the cards, and your admittance into our sordid soirée was designed by the Fortuitous Unfortunates all along. We sincerely hope you enjoyed the ride as much as we did, my darlings.

Have no fear, my pets. Your inclusion was merely a necessary step for what comes next. Remember what you learned last year through your exploration of all that is Theatre Bizarre. The Fortuitous Unfortunates have what they need from you, but that doesn't mean they don't have more in store. Soon, all will be revealed for your future. It will be up to you, however, to decide your true fate. Secrets and lies shall soon lay at your feet. The game of ruination may be over, but a new world lies ahead. Until then... you'll have to reminisce on the sights we bestowed you.

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You Are Summoned…

To Whom it May Concern,

You are hereby summoned to our enigmatic temple to enter Zombo’s domain, in the fall of 2018. Join us October 12th & 19th for our Masquerade Gala, and 13th & 20th for our Theatre Bizarre Choose-Your-Own-Adventure. Mark your calendars, and prepare your vestments, my delicious initiates. Click the seal below to select your tickets and discover the secrets that abound this year at Theatre Bizarre....

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Marche With Us Into 2018!

The snow has melted, and the sun has begun its shine once again. So too, Templum Balatro has begun its stirring. Soon, the headlights of our Ghost Train will cut through the foggy haze of the unknown, arriving this week at the "Marche du Nain Rouge" for Theatre Bizzare's first appearance of 2018! Join us as it illuminates the darkness that has plagued Detroit and help us drive out the Nain Rouge from the city.

Sunday, March 25th, join Theatre Bizarre and the hallowed members of Templum Balatro as they summon forth the minions of Zombo to ride our Ghost Train through the streets of Detroit in a most devilish masquerade, chasing away the historic imp of mayhem. Be sure to arrive dressed to to the nines, as we hope to terrify and beguile Evil itself.

We shall see you this Sunday at 12:00 PM, upon the corner of Canfield and Second, right next to Traffic Jam & Snug, to partake in a decadent celebration of Detroit. When the clock strikes 1:00 PM, we begin our unholy crusade to rid the city of its devilish blight. See you then.... we'll be expecting you....

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2017 Burlesque Line-Up

The curtain rises as the gowns fall, and all is laid bare before you. My darlings - we offer you a banquet of bountiful flesh within Theatre Bizarre. Are you ready to feast your eyes upon....

Roxi D'Lite (Miss Exotic World 2010)
Medianoche (current reigning Miss Exotic World)
Trixie Little (Miss Exotic World 2015)
Julie Atlas Muz (Miss Exotic World 2006)
Evil Hate Monkey (Mr. Exotic World 2010)
Michelle L'Amour (Miss Exotic World 2005)
Jett Adore (Las Vegas Burlesque Hall of Fame's "World's Most Innovative" 2011)
Laura Desiree
Dolly Berlin
Miss dd Starr
Lushes LaMoan
Aira Delanoche
Mika Romantic
Lou Lou la Duchesse de Rière
Sugar Vixen
Sydney Deveraux
Miss May
Ivizia Dakini
Tana the Tattooed Lady

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Theatre Bizarre 2017 Band Line-Up

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Theatre Bizarre 2017 – The Fortuitous Unfortunates

Welcome, weary wanderer... I've been watching you since your initiation.  Beheld your search for answers in the twisting halls of our temple. You've peered through the Eye of Zombo and glimpsed what this world really is, but you want more don't you?  To control your fate in a world where fortune and misfortune are decided for you... well, I'll let you in on a secret, they're just two sides of the same coin, and we're the lucky bastards who decide how it lands. Won't you join we few Fortuitous Unfortunates as we pull the strings and conduct the fates? The only way to adjust your fortune is to come inside and play.

The curtain draws back and curiosity abounds as you set your adjusting eyes on a dimly lit parlor. Faces painted with ominous, conspiratorial auras look pleased at your arrival. "Welcome, welcome," a mysterious voice within the crowd beckons. "Take a seat! Have a drink! Join us in our games!" A chair is thrust upon you by unknown hands, and you cautiously sit down as the spirits pass around in a frenzy of celebration. A Ouija board upon the table before stares silently in waiting. “Tonight, we shall decide the fates of the many!" The voice continues. "The Earth spins upon its axis, but it is WE who grant it momentum; we gods amongst men decide all. WE are the creators of both fortune and misfortune! We… are the Fortuitous Unfortunates.

The time is nearly upon us, my darling creature. The seasons are turning. The dreaded heat is finally behind us, and leaves have begun their golden transmogrification. As the hands of a clock tick by and by, the sun retreats earlier each day, allowing the night to beckon us out from the shadows once more. Summer is no more, and the autumnal glow of the new season means only one thing - Theatre Bizarre is near, and the Fortuitous Unfortunates even nearer. We shall see you within our unholy halls.

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